Here’s an interesting concept that puts both kids and adults to the challenge to have no trash come out of their lunch box: no wrapping, no leftovers, no waste at all. By preparing on average 250 lunches per year, every little bit we doe that helps to minimize waste counts!
Feed ourselves or feed the trash can…?
Avoid using disposable utensils, plates, glasses and containers. Tupperware products are reusable as well as watertight and airtight; snack cups (yogurt, applesauce), midgets (salad dressing, soy sauce, mayonnaise), mini stuffables (vegetables, grapes, pear), sandwich keepers (to eliminate the crushed sandwich syndrome) etc. Do not reuse old margarine, yogurt, cottage cheese or Chinese food containers, as they are not meant to be reused. Toxic particles can get separated from the containers and contaminate the food, especially if they are reheated. Also, they are not resistant and they not airtight.
Buy in bulk and divide into individual portions in Tupperware containers: companies that sell individually wrapped portions multiply the wrappings, which end up in the trash, and they are more expensive. Prepare portions in advance: whether it’s juice, snacks, fruits or vegetables, you’ll save time and money all the while preserving the environment. You can also freeze certain varieties of bread in order to have some on hand at all times for sandwiches.
Multiply: Double or triple all your muffins, cookies and breads recipes, then freeze them. On weekends, cook a large piece of meat for an evening dinner, and mince the rest for sandwiches and salads for your lunches.
Prepare your snacks: Prepare in advance individual snack portions, your crackers, and cheese pieces, wash and cut your grapes in small clusters, etc.
Make a habit of preparing a large amount of vegetables and conserve them in your refrigerator in the FridgeSmart containers. Choose easy to handle vegetables like cherry tomatoes and mini carrots. Served with dip, they make a great snack.
For dinner, prepare extra rice, pasta or potatoes. They will be transformed into rice cakes, pasta and potato salads for your lunches. You can also double your stews, lasagnas and chili recipes, and organize them in your vent n’ serve containers for your lunches throughout the week. Then at lunch, you just reheat them in the microwave: safely and quickly!
Avoid using straws and juice boxes: they cannot be reused (except for the Tupperware whistle straws) and their fabrication causes pollution. Instead, buy the larger format and drink in a Tupperware tumbler, which comes with an airtight seal for easy transport. We have many tumbler options: impression tumblers drip-less straw seals (330 ml or 500 ml), bell tumblers (perfect for a V-8), princess tumblers (set of 6 colors), ThirstQuake tumbler (for the big thirsts), ECO bottles (ideal for water). No more spills, and no more trash! Did you know that in Quebec, only one out 10 disposable water bottles actually gets recycled, the 9 others get tossed in the trash!! (Source: Recyc-Québec)
Favor organic and local foods. Certified organic foods offer a pesticide-free, hormone-free, drug-free and eco friendly option even if they are more expensive. Encourage the local economy, and limit transport, by subscribing to an organic basket directly from the farm (http://www.equiterre.org/en/solution/organic-baskets). Then store those fruits and vegetables in the FridgeSmart containers to maximize their lifespan, that way you can have more variety and avoid waste.
Avoid processed foods when possible. They’re high in calories, low in nutrients and they are often composed of unnecessary ingredients. Variety is key! Vary colors, textures and shapes. No food on it’s own is complete, even the perfect lunch box served day in and day out isn’t ideal for your health and your pleasure. Involve the kids (both big and small) in menu planning.
Did you know that by limiting the waste that comes out of your lunch box, thanks to Tupperware, you substantially reduce your environmental impact?
I recommend you take a look at the chart below in order to realize how much money you can save and how much waste you can reduce when a family of 4 adopts Tupperware products!
Click on the chart for more details: