To see the complete list of available products, click HERE!
Thursday, Dec. 11th – 10am-6pm
Friday, Dec.12th – 10am-6pm
Saturday, Dec. 13th – 10am-6pm
Monday, Dec. 15th – 10am-6pm
Tuesday, Dec. 16th – 10am-6pm
It is possible to have the order shipped to your place by Purolator. Contact me by email caroline@mytupperwarestory.com or by phone 514.690-2906 to place in your order.
Hi Caroline!
I’m Choonhwa Lee who bought some products on warehouse sale.
Now I need measuring cups and measuring spoons very urgently.
Can I get them today or tomorrow?
Waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance
Choonhwa Lee
You are welcome to come by our office next Monday or Tuesday to purchase some. You can also wait and see if we have some at our next warehouse sale (Dec 7-9).