Here’s my « Tupp » 5 hosts in sales for the month of October 2013!
1. Josée Charlebois
With party sales of 1,302$; a few outside orders, 16 guests in attendance! In Gatineau.
2. Nathalie Blanchard
Hostess to a fundraising party to benefit Centraide, the party took place at the Montreal City Hall at lunch time, 1,042$ in sales in1 hour and by cooking 4 recipes; salsa, roasted chicken in the microwave, apple crumble and caramel popcorn!
3. Vicky Vézina
New team member, she had a great launch party with 909$ in sales. In Gatineau.
4. Caroline Robitaille
Hosted her party in her dream kitchen and sold for 900$ with 8 guests in attendance, In Quebec city.
5. Yasmina Benmira
Chose to join our team and start a series of successful parties for “record breaker month”! 875$ in sales, held in Montreal.